Steve Davis

You may know Steve Davis as Director of Development for the Human Services Campus. Or perhaps you served with him for some of the 12 years he was on the Board of Directors for The Lodestar Day Resource Center/HSC. Maybe you knew him when he arrived as a 17-year-old from Iowa to study at ASU. You could have worked with him at Hughes-Calihan where he worked for over 30 years and launched their Managed IT Services. Or when he turned entrepreneur and started his own company. Steve also loves building houses. Have you seen one of his?
Steve is many things. And one of them is a philanthropist. His career has put him in a position to help others. And he has plans to do so. It is probably no surprise that the Human Services campus is included among the provisions in his trust.
Like many, it took some time before Steve moved from making regular annual gifts to thinking about how a legacy commitment can continue support after he is long gone. When Steve revisited his trust three years ago, he added a legacy commitment for HSC. "It was time," Steve recalls. "Asking others to support our cause is what I do. Because I have done that myself, I think others can tell I am asking from the heart."
If you would like information about ways to remember HSC in your will or trust, Steve would be delighted to visit with you as Director of Development for the Human Services Campus.